Libby, it is shocking to hear words that are nasty being used towards TM, and for me, it to is painful. Why would members take such a hard stand against TM? The current debate centers on this question:
Did TM betray TF?
Why would anyone think that? Because of her actions and many of the things she has said since TF's ascension, many members have concerns. Right now, there are more than 10,000 members worldwide (and growing) along with two true children who do not believe what TM is doing is right. You could add H1 and his band of thieves which would include your beloved Mr Kamiyami to those who also don't believe in TM but I won't count them because although there view of TM may be in agreement with many others, their prior act of thievery places them in an untrustworthy position.
You recently posted a flowery speech TM gave not to long ago but we have to remember things TM said earlier. For example, on the day TF's body was placed in the ground, TM called HgJN and KJN (and their wives) to her room and said, "do you know who I am? I am Hananim (God). I have absolute power!"
Later she said that she was born sinless while TF had original sin but was only forgiven of that sin when he accepted the mission from Jesus. And that she actually saved TF. And that she is the returning messiah that all of Christianity is waiting for. She, not we, or not my husband and I. Oh, and members must now liberate 420 levels of their ancestors at CP and that we must trust Hyo Nam Kim (oh wait, that was before Demon-Nim ran off with millions, betrayed TM (as HgJN and KJN told TM she would do) and set up her own sect and is now taking members away from TM. Hmmm.....
So each time we hear TM speak, we have to remember what she said before, and keep that perspective in mind. And we must also remember her actions such as giving the blessing by herself, changing the CSG to her version (as you say), creating a supreme council and the new CIG constitution that excludes the divine principle and is fraught with serious problems. We must remember that she stopped absolute sex education and freedom society and strong Korea efforts, and the current providence is only focused on growing the church over the next 4 years.
And she fired HgJN who TF placed in the international president position and said anyone who denied him that position would be a heretic and a destroyer. And she usurped the heir and successor chosen by TF who passed on his and True Parents full authority as the next representatives of True Parents on earth. And TM fired KJN whom TF had placed in a key position to oversee church business operations and was making significant strides with the Korean gov't, and was working on paying Japanese members back money they had borrowed to give to the church, and reducing the high debt of the Japanese Church (sadly Japanese members are once again being squeezed to death for money).
So, has TM betrayed TF?
That is a personal decision each member must make themselves. Each member must examine their heart, their beliefs, and their conscience and decide that point. And make absolute sure, they are properly aligned with heavens will.
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