Friday, March 4, 2016

Fundamental DP

Folks, basic DP teaches us about subject/object relationships. The subject initiates or gives, and the object receives or takes. Give and take action. Plus and minus. Order. When the S/O form a reciprocal relationship of harmonious action, they can revolve in perfect harmony.
However, either you have order, or you have disorder. There has to be a subject that is clearly the plus, and an object that is the minus. You cannot have plus/plus.
The same is for a king and queen relationship. It is not queen/king. It is king/queen. Husband and wife, not wife and husband.
So within the True Parents, TF was and is the subject, and TM is the object. They are not equal (in love yes) but not in authority.
If TF says do not change the CSG, TM must obey that directive, and should make sure no one else changes it either. If TF chooses a song for the CIG national anthem, TM should honor that and not change it. If TF selects an heir, and passes on his (and TP) full authority, TM should not change that.
We are eternal beings, therefore, the subject is always the subject for eternity. It doesn't change. So even if the subject ascends to SW, the object partner does not become the subject.
Within the four position foundation, there is God (a single being with dual characteristics), a husband/subject and a wife/object, and a child.
There are not two Gods.
Monotheism is one God. Ditheism is two gods that could be in conflict.
Fundamental DP.

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