Monday, December 21, 2015

FFWPU Historian Mike Mickler short sided review of Sanctuary growth

I guess historians are like armchair quarterbacks in that they write about things that happened in the past. Sadly, Mike's article is really one dimensional and superficial. As a religious scholar, his view is based on religions and churches and he looks at TF as a religious figure and not the Messiah. And he looks at TF's development of establishing God's Kingdom on Earth (or CIG) as building a church and not the Lord of the Second Advent restoring the world to its original position.
Of course, Hyung Jin Nim only started Sanctuary Church less than one year ago. So I guess compared to the mainstream church, it looks pretty dismal or like a splinter organization. However, if you were to truly look at the growth and the development it has experienced in the last 11 months, one would be amazed at its rate of growth. And considering that most members worldwide are just learning about what TM's is saying and doing, I'm sure that the rate of growth will rapidly expand.
And HgJN, like his father are not interested in building a "church". He has taken his responsibility as the heir of TF seriously and is setting out to build CIG, or the Kingdom of God on Earth. I'll be curious what Mike writes about in 3 years, and then in 10 years. But still, I'm sure it will not take many things into consideration and will still probably be one dimensional.
By Michael Mickler The Sanctuary Church (SC), with branches in the U.S. and overseas, is best understood as a schismatic movement. Followers of schismatic movements are known as schismatics. A schi...

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