Monday, December 14, 2015

Hyung Jin Nim is the seed of the Royal Family

"In the course of history, numerous religious founders, saints, and sages have appeared; however, they have had no relationship with true love at all. To solve all this, Jesus came to the earth as the Messiah to make the foundation of the bridegroom and bride. Then what must the Messiah do when he comes?
He must establish a new realm of a royal family moving toward the new family, new tribe, new nation, and new world. He must create the realm of the royal family.
Who is the direct ancestor of the royal family? He is the one, who as a child of God’s direct lineage with original, unfallen love has centered him- self upon true love and upon the foundation of true life and true lineage.
He is the seed. If a root comes from that seed, it will be the central root. If a stem appears, it will become the central stem and eventually grow to become the central trunk. To the extent that it grows vertically, it will proportionally grow horizontally out into the world. This will join together the families and the tribes, and also the peoples, the nations, and the world". (263-194, 1994.10.4)

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