Friday, December 11, 2015

From where does ones power and authority come from?

As we know, TF became the Messiah and Lord of the Second Advent when he accepted his mission from Jesus. His authority is based upon being the object partner to Jesus and God. As such, TF always spoke of Jesus and God. By being the absolute object of God, TF could be our absolute subject.
TF established True Parents when he took a bride and she became True Mother. Her position and authority to be TM is based on her absolute unity with TF. While TF was alive, for the most part, TM was obedient to TF and was successful in her mission. But what about after TF ascended? As eternal beings, TM is to be the eternal object partner to her eternal subject. We are spiritual beings having a human experience, so even though TF ascended to the SW, he remains as TM subject and TM is still his object partner. When a subject and object are united and reciprocate in perfect harmony, they will then have equal value. So TM's power and authority only comes from being in a united and reciprocal relationship with TF, revolving in a perfect orbit with her subject partner.
Is this what we see? Is TM revolving around TF in perfect harmony? Does TM speak of TF like TF spoke of Jesus or God? Does TM refer to TF as the OBS when she mentions herself as the OBD? Does she say, the entire history has been waiting for the OBS AND the OBD who together come as True Parents? If the Messiah is True Parents together, then why is TM not mentioning her subject partner?
Let's look at Hyung Jin Nim and Yeonah Nim. Where did they receive their authority and position? TF selected them and crowned and anointed them as the representative couple to represent True Parents as the second King and Queen. Did they select themselves? Did they conduct the 3 crowning ceremonies by themselves? TF with TM as True Parents passed on their full authority to them. Prior to this, TF appointed HgJN as the International President of the worldwide movement. And TF appointed KJN over all businesses and with their unity, TF declared that they had restored the historical restoration of Cain and Abel, which became the basis for HgJN to be given the authority to lead the next generation to preserve TF linage as required by heaven for the realm of the royal families.
When HgJN speaks of his authority, he does so by referring to the one who gave him that authority. As the object partner to his subject, HgJN's power and authority comes from being in a reciprocal relationship with TF.
When we recall DP lectures, to illustrate reciprocal relationships, we drew circles with arrows coming from the subject to the object and then from the object to the subject showing that the subject and object were united in harmony.
When the object disunites with their subject, we illustrate this by putting an "X" over the arrow going between the object and the subject showing that the object is no longer in harmony and is not in a reciprocal relationship with their subject. The relationship between the subject and the object is cut off and is no longer reciprocal or in harmony.
We saw this happen when H1 disunited with TF, took over UCI and TWG, and then never spoke to TF again. The arrow from the object to the subject was cut off, and there was no longer a reciprocal relationship (caused by the objects disunity with the subject). When we study the situation of H1, we see the classic four fallen natures, failure to unite with Gods direction, leaving the given position, reversal of dominion, and then multiplying wrongful actions.
Looking again at TM, while TF was alive, she was in the object partner position to her ultimate subject and the arrows reciprocated between the two circles. After TF ascended, what happened? TM began making significant changes. She conducted a ceremony where she stood by herself as the new ruler over the universe. Was this done in a reciprocal relationship with TF? And this was done not too long after TF ascended.
She then began making many other changes such as changing the name of Heavenly Father to Heavenly Parents, changing the blessing vows, the family pledge, the CSG (which TF said to not touch), proclaiming herself as the Messiah and Only Begotten Daughter whom all Christianity has been waiting for (all without reference to the only begotten son or True Father)!
When we look at TM as the object partner of her subject, do we see a reciprocal relationship with the arrows from the subject to the object and then from the object to the subject? Or do we see that the arrow from the object to the subject with a big "X" cutting it off?
Everything that TF said about TM is said with the consideration that TM is in perfect harmony with TF. When you consider that TM is not in perfect harmony with TF, then everything TF said about TM becomes null and void. TM has left her position, and cut off from her subject partner and is NOT in a reciprocal relationship with him.
Unfortunately, once TM cut off from TF, her value as TM has also been cut off, and she lost all authority that she once had as TM and TP.

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