Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Last Days or Last Daze?

When I joined more than 40 years ago, I was truly amazed to study the Principle and discover a hidden history in the bible, and then discover how Heavenly Father has been working since the end of the New Testament right up through modern times to prepare for the Messiah, the Lord of the Second Advent, to come and finish the work of Jesus. And to think that before I heard and understood DP, all of that was going on without my knowledge (or most everyone else as well)! And as we walked with Father in his life and lived part of this amazing history, that is truly unbelievable.
Now, we didn't always understand what was going on until TF explained it to us often after the fact. We would do a project like Yankee Stadium and then after TF would explain its significance. After quite a number of experiences I trusted TF that everything he did had significance even if I didn't understand it at the moment. So if I didn't understand what was happening at the moment during any given event or tour, I was eager to hear about it when TF explained it.
I attended and traveled with TP's on many significant events and speech tours, so I usually listened to each speech for each event multiple times in cities all over the world (world tours, 50-12-24-18-and on and on City tours) and I often wondered how the audience would receive the message, which was typically about Gods Providence explained in great detail, even explaining that TF was the returning Christ, the Messiah, the Lord of the Second Advent. I thought how is it possible for these folks to listen and read the speech, and then go home that night and return to their ordinary lives the next day as if nothing happened?!
And often big name ministers (paid quite well) get up and praise and glorify TF but never fully come on board. And how about the thousands of people who attended DP lectures and never joined? I thought to myself, these people are sleeping, they are in a daze, they hear but they don't hear! How is that possible?
And now that TF has ascended and things are playing out as they are, I see so many members tuned out. They are asleep at the wheel. Their eyes are open but they don't see! Many have now become mainstream Unificationists. They go to church but are not paying attention to what's going on with Gods providence (just like so many Christians acted when we joined 40 years ago).
I often wonder how it was possible for the followers of Moses to lose faith, after seeing so many miracles. And what percentage of them made it to the promised land over the Jordan River? I think we are seeing a significant parallel now in our own movement. Members have become mainstream followers and basically worship on Sunday's forgetting that Gods Providence continues every day. And that there are timetables and key players who have a significant responsibility to do a specific task in Gods providence. And if they don't, it's a failure, no matter how faithful they were for so many years.
Look at Moses, striking the rock twice, and he couldn't go into the promised land. TF said he had to learn from all the failures in history to not make the same mistake. That always concerned me too.
So for some, we are in the last days and we doing everything in our power to be aligned with God and his providence.
And for far to many, they are living in the last "DAZE" as they are fast asleep and unaware or uncaring as to what's going on with the final providence. Very sorry to see many members live 40-60 years and miss out the final providence.
Hopefully some will wake up from their daze and jump on board. I believe that there is great significance to the quote, "better to be hot or cold in the last days than lukewarm". Those that are awake and engaged have a better chance to be on the right side at the final bell.
TF once spoke of a hypothetical tug of war that was a brutal battle and at the last possible moment, your side pulls to victory. And when you look at those that were on the rope, you see that there were some members who had left and they had jumped on the rope at the last minute. Father asked, what will you say? Will you say, OMG, thank you so much because if it wasn't for you, we would have lost! Or will you say, what are you doing here?!?! You left, you don't deserve to be here! What will be your attitude?!
Personally, I hope everyone makes it. I don't care who is on the rope when we win the last battle and I don't care when they get on the rope. The important thing is to be in the game and not on the side lines watching.
So as we continue into the last days, let's help wake up those that are in the last daze.
(FB post by Jerry Heying)

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